
CSDS 600: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Case Western Reserve University, 2023 Fall, Cleveland, OH

As a Teaching Assistant for SDS 391/600: Introduction to AI, I am responsible for grading written and programming assignments SAPIA and providing guidance to students during office hours, enriching a comprehensive understanding of the course material.

CSDS 351: Data Engineering

Case Western Reserve University, 2023 Spring, Cleveland, OH

As the sole Teaching Assistant for CSDS 351: Data Engineering, I took a lead role in crafting weekly course material and tutorials, guiding students through diverse topics—from fundamentals and Python to advanced concepts like Hadoop, MySQL, Spark ML, and HDFS. My responsibilities included aiding students with weekly programming assignments, providing constructive feedback, assisting in final project implementations, and evaluating their presentations and term reports.

CSDS 245: Functional Programming in Java

Case Western Reserve University, 2022 Fall, Cleveland, OH

I was responsible for grading exams and weekly assignments while also conducting office hours to support students.

CME 3208: Principles of Embedded Systems

Dokuz Eylul University, 2022 Spring, Izmir, Turkey

As a Teaching Assistant for Principles of Embedded Systems, I played a key role in the course delivery, grading exams, offering tutoring support, and leading hands-on Arduino lab experiments. This practical approach provided students with experience in working with various components and sensors, including LEDs, ultrasonic sensors, temperature sensors, and sound sensors.

CME 2204: Algorithm Analysis

Dokuz Eylul University, 2022 Spring, Izmir, Turkey

I provided support through holding office hours and designing engaging programming assignments in alignment with the course materials.

CME 1214: Logic Design

Dokuz Eylul University, 2022 Spring, Izmir, Turkey

I conducted recitations and led lab sessions for the Logic Design course, where the labs covered the fundamentals of digital logic, including topics such as combinational and sequential circuit design and Boolean algebra.